Think again..

We are blessed because we can think and rethink. We can think before we act. The way we act thoughtlessly sometimes gives a horrible outcome. And then the rest is painful.

Going through a lot of circumstances, you can easily find that your repeated thinking has made your decisions more efficient. There is no The End of anything until you ask yourself to conclude it. There are certain factors that you need to apply as fully a pause as possible.

Think again about your Expectations

I can not say that you shouldn’t expect anything from anyone. There is nothing bad if you have certain expectations from your near and dear one. But think again about what you are expecting and how much? Are you becoming the selfish one who cares only about self-expectations? Is it good to speak always about your sentiment, attitude, affection, or dreams? Remember, no one is there for you to fill your expectations every time. You must realize the rule of expectation, Give and Take. Think again, are you willing to give that affection to others, are you willing to respect others’ sentiment? How much you care for others, if not, then why these expectations? Doing this, inadvertently you hand over your happiness to others. Because when you see someone not meeting your expectation, you get frustrated. It means that you are being controlled by others. So, come out of the self-centric cave and limit your expectations. Decrease your expectations to gain your happiness.

Think again before explaining.

Do you think people want your explanation? If someone wants to criticize you, he will somehow detect a small point for that. You cannot satisfy everyone. And those who care about you will never ask you for an explanation. Better think again and do what you love to do( but respect the laws and orders and be a sensible one). By explaining to others about yourself means you are not confident enough and you seek Validation from others. You can stop seeking validation by yourself.

How to stop seeking validation from others: Effective ways

Think again before making an excuse.

Excuses never work. You can give any excuse to others for your failure or loss. But what you should say to yourself. Any excuses? Before making an excuse think again, this is a lie you are telling yourself. Although sometimes excuses don’t harm you but take away you from yourself. This is how you deny to accept yourself as you are. The first thing you should avoid making excuses for is to take responsibility for your failure. Do not play the blame game. Because almost all of us have this tendency that, blame others for our mistakes. However, some people never play this game because they take responsibility for their every loss and win.

Focus on your strength to stay away from making excuses. It works as an immune booster. When you focus on your strengths and make them more productive, you build more dignity in yourself. As a result, you gain more confidence to work on your weakness.


Think again about these three E’s,




The way we think the way we live. If you want to live a life more productive and fruitful, think about those for which you are making your life unnecessarily complicated. It depends on you what you want to be, think again.

3 effective ways to enhance your inner beauty

When you say about beauty, it depends on how you define it? Because as per the dictionary, beauty is a combination of various qualities that pleases the aesthetic sense, especially the sight. Anything that looks good always attracts human eyes; a beautiful flower or a beautiful drawing, a beautiful dress or a beautiful smile. But there is something more beyond the sight.

There is no correct statistics to define your beauty. It depends on the way you present yourself and the way you live. More or less the makeup you wear on your face can cover your spots or scars or you can shine but you don’t need to wear anything expensive to reflect your inner beauty. The attire of your intellectual is something different from the so-called designer outfits, which enhances your beauty from inside you. When you feel good from the inside your look good from the outside and when you make your internal beautiful, it echoes your outside.

True beauty is not really what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass.”–Ellen DeGeneres.

I have listed 3 effective steps to enhance your inner beauty to please your soul and to motivate others. I am sure this will work for you.

Find out your unique quality.

We all are created for a good purpose and we all have our unique quality. But you will feel sorry that most of us spend our whole life without knowing that, what is our unique quality?

It is very important to know yourself and to accept yourself as you are. You can nurture your ordinary quality to make it extraordinary. But for that, you need to respect yourself and admire your existence. Unless and until you realize your value you cannot find your hidden qualities. Whatever you accomplish with full of heart, you can see that can grow more inside you.

Let’s simplify it.

1. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

2.Nurture your ordinary quality and make it extraordinary.

3. Admire every small skill and accomplish it from your heart.

Practice self-love

Self-love is the way to become beautiful internally. It doesn’t mean to be selfish or insensitive. You always do many things to satisfy your near and dear ones. As a family person, you have many roles to play. But you ignore the most important one and that’s you. When you do not accompany yourself, at the end of the day you get dishearten and this leads to irritation, stress, and depressions. Remember, an unsatisfied soul can not satisfy others. A heart full of disappointment can not please others. You must have love and care inside you to pour it outside. So, every day you should do something pleasant to pamper yourself. Like, Cook your favorite meal or listen to your favorite music, or do something that you love to do. Don’t underrate your liking. Be cheerful inside to cheer outside. One truth you can’t deny is that you can not please everyone. Some people will scrutinize your every deed to find out a fault. If you are full of enthusiasm and self-confidence, you will be able to ignore those unfavorable quite easily.

Remember, your journey or your story is as valuable as others. You may feel less powerful but ask yourself from where you have started. Acknowledge your efforts. One life, make it..

Enjoy your company and increase your inner stength. There is nothing strange if you think more about yourself. When you care and pamper yourself it keeps you mentally strong. After all mental health matters. This will help you to stay fit and strong physically. And a healthy person can take care of others, not a patient.

Taking off time for yourself, or enjoying your own company can give rise to a smile from your heart. This smile will always enhance your internal grace.

Include your intellectual growth with self-love. Stay updated and keep learning. Be creative and strengthen your social intelligence.

Be grateful.

Life has given us lots of good things for which we must be grateful every day. Be thankful for all those factors which make life beautiful. Despite so many negativities, an optimist finds out those precise aspects for which life becomes joyous. Look at your surrounding and realize the value of your relationship with your loved one. Stay connected with nature. Look at those beautiful things around you. Although life is a gift.

When you practice gratitude, you become thoughtful and simple. You will start to be more compassionate and feel more humming. This boosts your positive emotion. But there is not always everything in your favor. You experience many negatives in life. These give you a tough challenge and being grateful teaches you to accept and overcome those challenges or on the other hand, you must be thankful for the challenges that impel you more powerful.

So, start listing all those small things for which you’re grateful. Keeping a gratitude journal is the most useful idea. The saying of Henry Ward Beecher is very much related to the topic and that is, “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”


We are not perfect but we have a distinct identity. Our external beauty fades away but the inner beauty which makes us special never evaporates. Good thing is that by enhancing our inner beauty we enjoy life more.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is light in the heart.”-Khalil Gibran

What helps you to enhance your inner beauty? Will you love to share with us your opinions?

What I Learnt from my plants:Amazing Life Lessons.

In my tiny garden few plants are growing happily. When I look at them I feel amazing.Their tiny leaves are merrily dancing with wind without fear of falling down.They are mesmerizing my soul. My little plants are teaching me some important and valuable lessons of life.

Among all living organisms I feel pants are playing the role of a giver.We can not count it because blessings are uncountable and the learnings are valuable. Here are my learnings from my plants.

Plants don’t need others validation.They are fulfilling their purpose diligently. But we are always seeking others validation.Even mostly we deny to do our assigned duty. They are happy because they are content. Contenment is a great way to be happy.Plants are teaching us that focus on what you can do rather than what you were.

Consume only those what you need to survive.Plants never consume anything that not needed.They take what is necessary for living.

Enjoy every season.Yes..they never complain on any change,they accept the change.This helps plants to thrive.Plant have the ability to accept challenges.They have the quality to stand up against all odds and adapt the changes of nature and make adjustment according to every season.

Look at the bright side.Plants always turn towards the sun.Their primary goal is to grow.They there for don’t focus on their predators. Plants want to grow at any situation.

Plants grow as much as they can. They don’t set any boundaries.They are giving a lot to us without asking for anything. Food,beauty,medicines,purified air….and more and more.

I am sure you all have your own valid points to praise a tiny plant for teaching some life lesson.We all should be thankful to plants whether it is big or small..indoor or outdoor.

Stay happy and keep growing…😊

Build Your Inner Strength

We are what we make it.In a single life how we live depends on our wills,our strength. Strength has two basic faces.

Physical Strength and Mental Strength.

We are eating good food, taking suppliments,doing regluar workout to build our physical strength. Spending lots of money and time to stay fit and to stay healthy.

However for a fruitful life both are equally important.But there are lots of examples where without proper physical strength a person has reached the top of the success .They are legends. They have created history. With strong inner strength they made their life worthy.

You really have to look yourself and find your own inner strength,and say,’I’m proud of what I am and who I am’.”

Mariah Carey

Life has no restart button. Untill we take our last breath we live our life with lots of ups and downs. We face lots of challenges.We all have our own story. If someone is struggling till the end ..somone is creating history.

If we build a strong inner strength we can defeat all obstacles on our way.We can convert our ordinary trait to extraordinary power with our inner strength.It is a necessary skill to accomplish and achieve our goals.

If you are feeling lack of inner strength no need to worry ;because you can cultivate this skill very easily by adapting few good habits. Habits are nothing but something we continue to practise .

1.Know Yourself And Transform Youself.

We as a human being may have lots of disabilities . Sometime it is important to accept our disabilities . But don’t let you disability become your weakness. Mental weakness will create complexity.So know yourself. Only if you want to feel like a loser than you will love to live with your weakness. To be a winner face the world with your power. Power of conquering the battle. Remember nobody wants to talk about the loser,people talk about the winner.

2. Follow Healthy lifestyle.

Your inner strength can go down if you are having an unhealthy and irresponsible lifestyle.Follow healthy lifestyle with supportive and loving people. Develop good habits to live a healthy life. Consumption of Junk foods..alcohol produce stress and illness. So you must have a control over your habits.

3.Don’t Buy Negativity.

News papers,social media,Tv shows which are constantly selling negativity to destroy social harmony, should be avoided. Participate in healthy criticism. Be responsible towards the society.

4. Don’t live in past.

The bitter experience of your past life paralyzes your mind. So focus on your present and let go of the past. Learn from your past failures or mistakes but pdon’t let those disempowring stories control your mind.

Building inner strength is not a rocket science. You only need to train your mind and body in disciplined way. Your strength provides you the ability to accept all challenges and face the world with more power. Because inner strength is like the fuel of your mind. Don’t let the fuel finish.

Benifits of Strong Inner Strength.

1.More control over your life.

2. Build Decision making power.

3.Become courageous to handle hardship of life.

4.Able to say ‘no’ to unwanted and unnecessary.

5.Celebrate life.

“You have power over your mind-not outside events.Realize this and,you will find strength.”

Marcus Aurelius.