My Story:Life With Fibromyalgia.

Every morning waking up with tremendous pain in my body..I feel like stepping back.I feel it is goining to kill me very soon. But then I ask myself is my pain more stronger than my wills?The answer is ‘no’.

I am struggling with Fibromyalgia.You can say it is the pain in my brain. But trust me it is not like that. I am making an adjustment with chornic pain.

Life has lots of challenges and these challenges make you strong. They mould you,they fold you. It is up to you how you face those challenges.

I have learned from life’s hardships that untill you give up no obstacle can defeat you.

It was difficult to handle everything with Fibromyalgia. My physical condition devastated me.But my one step towards recovery has made a big difference. I realized that Almighty has given me something very tough because he knows I have the power to handle it.He is planning something better for me.I know these pains are only in my body and my brain is strong enough to deal with such pain.

My acceptance and willpower helped me to stand up like a warrior.This is how I motivated myself..

I set small goals to achieve on time.Without being harsh I complete to my chores. I know my body needs proper movements and proper rest equally. Earlier I put effort to start my days with a smile. Now the smile comes easily despite of having a sleepless night.

I am feedind my mind with positive toughts.I have cultivate reading habit since my childhood and this habit now helps me to stay motivated for long time. You can check my earlier blog How To Build Reading Habit.

Motivation works. It is like a medicine to me. I am now able to build strong inner stength by training my mind and body.

This is my real story. I know we all are in different places putting the same shoes. There is no grief for such a life in my mind because life can be more complicated without any physical complexity. It depends on us. Living a life with positivity and kindness is giving me imense power to deal with the chaos.

Thank you for reading my story.

With love


48 thoughts on “My Story:Life With Fibromyalgia.

  1. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in my 20’s. I am now in my 60’s and still going strong. I turn to alternative supplements for inflammation and stiffness and I maintain a very active life. Exercise is extremely important as well as stretching. A very good diet which eliminates all foods that create inflammation also is key to pan management. Pain is manageable if you want it to be. It takes a lot of commitment but it is worth it.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Hi Rosida! I have had my share of consistent mysterious aches and pains, which seemed like forever. Somehow I could trace it to a point and phase when, whichever direction I take a step, it would prove to be painful, and exactly that reflected in my physical existence as well. I had taken off on uncharted waters and found myself at crossroads. I treated myself to Hydrotherapy soaks in epsom salt et al. But only when my mind and circumstances came to a settlement, just as more & more realization and understanding dawned on me, a sense of ease and acceptability came on, and things seemed sorted, and that is when I found I am freed of that perpetual niggling discomfort all over in any position. I look back & remember it today, as having emerged from a time when it all seemed doomed, with a feeling of having triumphed over it. When great leaps are taken, great challenges show up at all levels. Resilience with faith in the Almighty scheme of things helps tide over.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agree with you. It needs peace of mind.. and elimination of negativites. I also realized that things can be better with acceptability and courage and with a postive attitude . Physical discomforts are settled down by mental strength. Thanks for reading my blog and for your valuable comment.🙏


  3. Hi Rosida, we thank God for your life; He has kept you till this far and gave you strength and courage for each day. Your story is encouraging, not to give up, no matter what. Thank you for following my site; I genuinely appreciate you. I am following your site as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Its an invisible torture deep in tissues. You can combat this with proper diet and natural pain killers in daily food in taking the very first thing is you must make mind to fight it out what ever happens. Secondly check your dietitian and see what suits your body. Avoid any kind of meat in taking as well use diary products in a balanced way. Check your body salts variation in diet. Start drinking a pinch of asafoetida in hot water along with lemon and little honey to start the day to increase immunity. Add zinc in daily meal like pumpkin seeds and chic peas this can add protein as well. Let me know after a month i can put you to the best dietitian to help you get stable and healthy. This is curable for sure. All the best. Get well soon.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. To build immunity add two three strands of Saffron to hot water along with lemon and honey weekly twice routine and i am sure you will have additional benefit of blood purification along with high immunity to fight the troubles.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Any time you can leave me a message. Glad to assist. I am sure you can over come this problem as long as you dedicate and tune your diet. I understand the pains are creating troubles but the painless days are ahead and you can reach with firm mind. Good luck.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. Human body have a different mechanism. It can absorb natural grown things easily. There are many natural pain killers you can use too. Pls do start the hot water in early morning with lemon and honey with a pinch of asaphoetida as a starter. For sure your kitchen can be your healer.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. You are very courageous my dear, thanks for sharing your story and making us all believe that no physical pain can stop you to live your life and break you,it only gives you more stronger reasons to move ahead courageously. 😊❤️ May the Almighty bless you with loads of happiness and health and ease all your pains. 💖

    Liked by 4 people

  6. So proud of you Rosida and so good to connect with you.

    Absolutely true: God never ever gives us challenges, which we don’t have the strength to overcome.

    All the best. Shall pray for you 😊🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Rosida, it needs a lot of courage and willpower to get over from a crisis. Trust me your story expresses about your strength and enthusiasm to struggle and succeed. May the Almighty always showers his blessings on you. Best wishes my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your wise words. Fibromyalgia is teaching me how to bear and overcome pains. It strengthens me. I am always looking ahead and determine not to be defeated.
      Again thanks a lot for your visit. Have a wonderful day💞💞


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